2019 SGS Conference
Miramar Beach, Florida
40th Annual Meeting
The 2019 Southern Gerontological Society/Georgia Gerontological Society Joint Conference was held April 9 through April 13, at the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort in Miramar Beach, Florida
Theme: Mining the Gems: Investing In Our Future

Download, view, or print the 2019 Conference Program.
PDF Document - 60 pages - 1.81 MB
2019 Sponsors
Premier Ruby Sponsor
UMBC Erickson School of Aging Studies
Platinum Sponsor
Georgia State University - Gerontology Institute
Gold Sponsor
Sigma Phi Omega
Silver Plus Sponsor
"Living with Dementia" Speaker Sponsor
Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health
Silver Wellness Partner
Master of Health Administration - Appalachian State University
Bronze Plus Sponsors
National Association for Professional Gerontologists
Philips Lifeline
Bronze Sponsors
Music & Memory
University of South Florida - School of Aging Studies
Florida PACE® Providers Association
Great Plains Idea
Positive Approach
SimpleC Cognitive Health
2019 Award Recipients
Gordon Streib Distinguished Academic Gerontologist Award
Not Awarded in 2019
The Gordon F. Streib Distinguished Academic Gerontologist Award is named after a true pioneer of social gerontology who, over a six decade career in sociology and gerontology at Cornell University and the University of Florida, has made major and lasting contributions to both fields. In public recognition of his achievements, at the 2004 SGS Annual Meeting, Dr. Streib was presented with a special Board proclamation designating him a Distinguished Charter Member and the person for whom the Gordon F. Streib Distinguished Academic Gerontologist Award is named.
This award is given to SGS members in the academic milieu who have shown excellence in leadership within and contribution to professional organizations and organizations which serve older people, a strong record of scholarly publications, and significant teaching influence with students and/or training of service providers or educators.
Applied Gerontologist Award
Leisa Easom
This award is given to SGS members in the fields of applied gerontology in the South. Award winners have a sustained record of leadership in the field of aging, are recognized in their fields, and generally, have positively impacted the quality of life of older persons through developing innovative programs such as applications of findings/approaches to research, education, management or services delivery (with emphasis on application).

Leisa Easom - in the center
Rhoda Jennings Distinguished Older Advocate Award
Bob Blancato
The Rhoda L. Jennings Older Advocate Award is presented to an individual who is 65 years of age or older who has demonstrated effective advocacy and leadership among older adults in the Southern region.

Presenters: Jennifer Craft Morgan, Ishan Williams & Christine Jensen
Media Award
“Aging in Arkansas”
Radio Programming
Rosalie Otters, UALR
SGS offers the Media Award to recognize an outstanding media contribution to further understanding of aging in the region and to the mission of SGS. Media of all kinds are considered for this award. Think of the importance of the Media Award...how did you get the information about this conference? Somehow, media was involved through a newsletter, website, Facebook Post, or flyer. Information is all around us. Shifting through to the good information, the award winning information, is what this award is all about.

Presenter: Jennifer Craft Morgan
Best Practices Award
Memory Matters
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
The Best Practices Award is given to recognize organizations or individuals who have demonstrated evidence of significant contribution to the field of aging and the development of gerontology in the Southern United States.

Award accepted by Pat Cleary of Memory Matters
SGS Student Scholarship Awards
The Southern Gerontological Society Student Support Scholarship Award was established in 2014 to support student members of SGS who have been accepted to present at the SGS annual meeting.
Two students were granted scholarships to help to defray travel costs associated with attending and presenting at the Annual Meeting.
Jeffrey Lentz
Ngozi Jane-Frances Chima, University of North Texas

Student Poster Awards
Any SGS Student Member submitting scholarly work for presentation at the SGS Annual Meeting in Poster format as the primary author is eligible for the Student Poster Award. Student must submit their application for the award prior to the conference, however, the judging takes place at the conference. Criteria includes poster appeal - how it looks, content - the research, analysis and results, and presentation - how well did the student present their poster to the judges.
1st Place:
Mijung Lee: Exploring the challenges and impact on how caregivers of older adults with dementia manage medical/nursing tasks at home: An integrative review.
2nd Place:
Asmita Karanjit, Nidhi Joshi, and Adabale Olanrewaju: Creating a survey process for benchmarking person-centered care in nursing homes.
3rd Place:
Delia Regalado: Using existential counseling techniques to work with older Latino adults.

Student Paper Award
The student paper award is awarded to an SGS student member who is the lead author of apaper which was submitted in advance of the conference to be reviewed by the awardscommittee. The research ideas must be substantially those of the student with an emphasisin gerontology. The student’s faculty advisor must write a letter of support. This year there were three papers that rose to the top. As each paper had its merit, it was very difficult process for the reviewers to select a winner.
1st Place:
Sara Stemen: Away but not gone: Continuing bonds and deceased loved ones in social convoys
2nd Place:
Jing Liu: Understanding subjective well-being for Chinese elders over time
3rd Place:
Kallol Kumar Bhattacharyya: Alternative therapies in person-centered care for persons with dementia in nursing homes

SGS Marshall Fellows Inductees
Designation by the Southern Gerontological Society as a Victor W. Marshall Fellow in Applied Gerontology is an acknowledgement of outstanding and continuing achievement that bridges the domains of original and applied research, service to government, practice with older adults, gerontology education and advocacy within gerontology.
This designation, equivalent to the attainment of Fellow status in many prestigious societies and organizations, is named in honor of Victor W. Marshall who has made significant and long-lasting contributions to SGS and gerontology through original independent scholarship, working with diverse collaborative teams, support to veterans, nurturing of advocacy and public service to older adults, and mentorship of applied gerontologists from diverse disciplinary and practice backgrounds.
2019 Inductees:
Denise Scruggs
Jaye Atkinson
Sudha Shreeniwas
Jennifer Craft Morgan

SGS Encore Adult Recognition Awardees
This award was established in 2019 to recognize SGS members who have retired, yet desire to remain engaged with SGS and attend the annual conference. To qualify for the recognition, the applicant must be a current SGS member, in the “Encore” membership category and have maintained at least five (5) years of SGS membership.
2019 Awardees:
JoAnn O’Quin
Laura Bauer

GRITS Hall of Fame
The award seeks to maintain and stimulate interest in the history of SGS, and perpetuate the legacy of past and present members, including recognition of their achievements in the field of gerontology, their contributions to enhancing the lives of elders in the SGS region, and their service as role models for future generations interested in the advancement of knowledge and practice in the field of aging.
2019 Inductees:
Janice Wassel
Richard Tucker
Rebecca Adams