SGS Committees

About SGS Committees

The purpose of all SGS committees is to support and carry out the necessary planning for SGS's annual operations and meeting.

To apply, you should:

  • Be a member in good standing of the Southern Gerontological Society.
  • Be highly encouraged to attend the committee workgroups during the annual SGS conference (but not mandatory).
  • Be available throughout the year to work with the committee via email and conference call.
  • Have some experience and/or expertise to contribute to the committee.

Volunteer commitment for committees involves working with other members via email and participating in teleconferences to accomplish the goals of the group. Terms on committees vary but are renewable. Please see the SGS Bylaws for additional committee detail and term information.

SGS Committee Responsibilities

The Awards committee is composed of academic and practitioner members, and one student. The Awards committee is responsible for all activities that pertain to soliciting awards nominations, reviewing nominations, selecting awardees, and organizing the presentation of awards.

2024-2025 Co-Chairpersons: Libby Yost, Ph.D. & Jeffrey Lentz, Ph.D.

The Budget and Finance Committee consists of five individuals, one of whom must be the Treasurer. The Chairperson must be appointed by the President. This committee reviews the annual budget, and expenditures. The responsibilities of the Budget and Finance Committee consist of ensuring an accurate account of the Society's fiscal functions, present an Annual Operating Budget and a detailed Annual Report of the Society expenditures at the Annual Conference, annually review the Society's fiscal records, prepare and submit reports to IRS and other agencies, and review financial policies of the Society and recommend any needed changes.

2024-2025 Chairperson: Sandi Lane, Ph.D.

The Bylaws Committee is composed of a Chairperson, appointed by the President, and members, appointed by the Chairperson. The Bylaws Committee primary responsibilities consist of reviewing the Bylaws each year and make recommendations, ensure mailing of Bylaw changes to the Society Membership at least 30 days prior to the Annual Conference, revise the Bylaws as necessary and ensure their distribution to the Board and Committee Chairs.

2024-2025 Chairperson: Accepting Applications

The Council of Presidents consist of all members of the Society that have completed the term of President. The Council chair must be the person who was the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee in the previous year, or must be elected as chair by the Committee members. The responsibilities of the Council of Presidents consist of serving as counsel to the President and Board, meet at least once annually, organize a Council of Presidents symposium for the annual conference, and assist the Awards Committee in selecting GRIT nominees and awardees.

2024-2025 Chairperson: In accordance with Bylaws: Althea Taylor Jones, Ph.D.

The Development Committee is composed of a Chair, the Chair of the Program Committee Development Subcommittee, the Chair of the Membership Committee, the President, the President-Elect, and the immediate Past President. Other members and the Committee Chair must be appointed by the President. The responsibilities of the Development Committee consist of sharing contacts and coordinate efforts with the Program Committee Development Subcommittee, work with the Membership Committee on the growth strategies for recruitment and retention of members, generate a plan for development efforts, and prepare a written report for distribution at each Board meeting.

2024-2025 Chairperson: Abby Schwartz, Ph.D.

The Encore Committee is composed of a Chairperson, who is the elected Encore Representative of the Board, and other members appointed by the Chair. The Committee is responsible for generating interest in the Society among the older and retired population, assess the needs of older and retired people and provide recommendations about how the Society can meet those needs, and prepare a written report for distribution at each Board meeting. This committee meets every other month.

2024-2025 Co-Chairperson: Graham Rowles, Ph.D.

2024-2025 Co-Chairperson: Jodi Teitelman, Ph.D.

The Executive Committee consists of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate Past President. The responsibilities of the Committee include carrying out the business of the Society between Board meetings, oversee policy and procedures of the Society, and review potential future Annual Conference sites and select the locations for future Annual Conferences.

2024-2025 Chairperson: Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson, Ph.D.

The Gerontological Education Committee shall consist of Chairperson, appointed by the President, and other members appointed by the Chairperson. The Committee will stimulate initiatives on gerontological education at all levels with a view to increasing gerontological literacy in our region. The proposed committee will seek to work collaboratively with existing agencies and organizations having concerns with gerontological education.

2024-2025 Chairperson: TimMarie Williams, Ph.D.

The Membership Committee is composed of a Chair, whom is appointed by the President, and other members appointed by the Chair. The responsibilities of the Committee consist of developing a plan for regular communication, recruitment, and renewal for memberships, Actively seek to increase membership from within each State, collaborate with the Seniors and Student Committee Chairs to identify potential new members, encourage use of the SGS exhibit at other professional meetings, and prepare a written report for distribution at each Board meeting.

2024-2025 Co-Chairperson: Denise Butler

The Nominating Committee consists of the immediate Past President serving as the Chair for one year, the preceding two Past Presidents, and two non-board members who serve for two years. This Committee selects and obtains nominees for elected offices, informs candidates in advanced if the position that they are being nominated for is single slated or have multiple nominees, prepares and distributes a slate of nominees to the Society members at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, ensures the ballots are counted by two individuals prior to the Annual Business Meeting and notifies all candidates of the election results prior to the Annual Business Meeting, and prepare a written report for distribution at each Board meeting. This committee meets as needed.

2024-2025 Chairperson: In accordance with Bylaws: Bert Waters, Ph.D.

The Public Policy and Advocacy Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, appointed by the President, and other members appointed by the Chairperson. The Committee will generate interest in increased contribution to policy debates and advocacy for positive change initiatives targeted toward enhancing the lives of older adults in the south. The committee would serve to link and stimulate initiatives occurring at both the state and national levels.

2024-2025 Chairperson: Annie Rhodes

The Program Committee is involved in all facets of planning the Annual Conference. These facets may include reviewing and scoring of collected abstracts, local arrangements, fundraising, and menu planning. Program Committee members may chose their activities in accordance to their availability and preferred activities. This committee meets at the request of the program chair and as various deadlines require.

2024-2025 Co-Chairperson: Open

2024-2025 Co-Chairperson: Open

The Publication Committee is composed of a Chairperson, appointed by the President, and a minimum of eight members, including the Editor of the Journal of Applied Gerontology, and the Editor the Southern Gerontologist. The responsibilities of the Publication Committee consist of ensuring that the Southern Gerontologist is published and distributed to members at least 3 times per year, review and coordinate the development of other publications of the Society, and prepare a written report for distribution at each Board meeting. This committee meets as needed.

2024-2025 Chairperson: Chris Kelly, Ph.D.

Journal of Applied Gerontology: Debra Dobbs, Ph.D.

The Student Committee is composed of a Student Representative Chairperson, the Student Representative-Elect, and other student members of the Society. The responsibilities of the Committee is to generate interest in aging among the student population, establish a pathway of communication between students and professionals in the aging field, asses needs of the students and provided recommendations about how the Society can assist in meeting those needs, and prepare a written report for distribution at each Board meeting. This committee meets monthly.

2024-2025 Chairperson: Alfred Boakye

SGS Committee Application

If you are interested in serving on any of the SGS committees you are welcome to complete the application form and submit it to the SGS Executive Director.

To download the application form please click or tap on the Download button.
[PDF] – Document last revised: August 3, 2020