SGS Surveys

SGS Mentoring Survey

This brief survey aims to assess the need for a mentoring program for members of the Southern Gerontological Society (SGS). The mentoring is specifically designed for, but not limited to, students, junior faculty, and practitioners. The goal is to pair SGS members who feel they’d benefit from mentoring with a senior SGS member who has significant experience in your desired mentoring area.

The information from this survey is confidential unless you choose to provide your name and contact information so a potential mentor can contact you.

There is no fee or other obligation on your part for mentoring service.

If you have any questions, please reach out to:
Graham Rowles, SGS Encore Committee Co-Chair, at,
Jodi Teitelman, SGS Encore Committee Co-Chair, at, or
Amanda James, SGS Executive Director, at

If you do not currently feel you could benefit from mentoring, please do not complete this survey.