SGS Sponsored Publications
Journal of Applied Gerontology
About JAG
A subscription to the Journal of Applied Gerontology (JAG) is included with your Southern Gerontological Society membership.
JAG has been the official journal of SGS for over 30 years. JAG also serves an increasingly international readership.

The Journal is devoted to the publication of articles that focus on research applications intended to improve the quality of life of older persons or to enhance our understanding of age-related issues that will eventually lead to such outcomes.
SGS Members receive free and full online access to issues from the last 10 volumes. The JAG website provides other useful features, such as article searches, full access to forthcoming articles (the OnlineFirst feature), and lists of most cited and most read articles. Click on the button below for instructions on how to access your online access.
Instructors should consider JAG articles for their courses and should suggest students use the site for research. Accessing and downloading JAG abstracts and articles supports the Journal and SGS.
Download a sample copy of JAG or visit the SAGE Publishing JAG website below.
Debra Dobbs
Editor-In-Chief - JAG
I am honored to have been selected for this important post and thrilled at the prospect of leading the Journal of Applied Gerontology into its next phase. In recent years, I have become intensely aware that JAG is one of only a few journals in the field truly committed to publishing gerontological research with a distinctly applied or policy focus. JAG is therefore uniquely positioned as the premiere venue for the growing body of work evaluating aging-related interventions and demonstration programs in healthcare, caregiver support, social integration, technology, housing and other areas, both in the US and internationally.

Dr. Dobbs is an Associate Professor in the School of Aging Studies and the Academic Director of the Center for Hospice, Palliative Care and End-of-Life Studies at the University of South Florida. She previously served as the Associate Editor of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (GGM). She serves as Vice Chair of Gerontological Society of America, Social Research, Policy and Practice Section. Dr. Dobbs has research interests in palliative, hospice and end-of-life care, and palliative care education in assisted living with a specific focus on providers of persons living with dementia. Dr. Dobbs is also involved in disaster preparedness research and music and mindfulness studies in assisted living and other community-based settings for persons living with dementia and their caregivers.