SGS Awards
Media Award
Criteria (Must be completed for all nominations)
- Nominees must have demonstrated evidence of significant contribution to the field of aging and the development of gerontology in the South.
- Any media is eligible for the award, although their contribution should be to further understanding of aging in the region.
- The product may be a single effort or part of a continuing series.
- The media product should have been produced within one (1) year of the nomination date.
- The nomination must indicate how the media product contributes to the mission of SGS.
- A copy of the media product should be submitted with the application. If the product is available on-line, the URL should be provided or a PDF file may be sent.
- A minimum of one letter of support must be provided in Microsoft Word or PDF format. This document will need to be available on the computer you are using to submit this nomination.
- A document stating the Basis for Nomination in Microsoft Word or PDF format. This document will need to be available on the computer you are using to submit this nomination.
Nominations For This Award Are Closed
Previous Award Winners
- 2024 - Positive Aging Sourcebook
The Engage Curriculum for Age-Friendly Care - 2023 - The Caregiver Community Podcast
Frances Hall, ACAPcommunity - 2022 – Deskercise Live - Arkansas Colleges of Health Education
LaVona Traywick, Susan Devero, Allison Kyrouac - 2021 – Living with Dementia Video Series
Georgia Gerontology Society - 2020 – Culture Change Network
Kim McRae - 2019 – "Aging in Arkansas"
Rosalie Otters, UALR - 2018 – "Care Documentary"
Mind’s Eye Productions - 2017 – "Health Beat Newsletter"
Becky Watson, Music for Wellness - 2016 – National Alliance for Caregiving
Gail Gibson Hunt, President & CEO - 2015 – "Age in Action" & "Small Steps to Health and Wealth"
- 2014 – "Getting our Hearts Right"
Dr. H. Wallace Goddard, Dr. James P. Marshall, Candace Carrera - 2013 – "Endless Gardening"
LaVona Traywick, Jessica Vincent, Rosemary Rodibaugh, Julie Thompson - 2012 – "Outreach NC"
Editor: Carrie Frye - 2011 – Video/CD: "Fit in 10"
Producer: LaVona Traywick, University of Arkansas - 2010 – Print Media: "Age in Action"
Virginia Center on Aging - Producer: Ed Ansello - 2006 – Video/CD: "Neighbors Growing Together"
Producer: Erica Husser