2024 SGS Annual Meeting & Conference

The Southern Gerontological Society’s 45th Annual Meeting and Conference
A Balanced Approach: Seeking Evidence-Based Holistic Strategies to Promote Healthy Aging
Hyatt Regency
Greenville, SC
April 2 through April 6, 2024
From The SGS President
An Invitation from the SGS President
The theme of the 45th Annual Meeting & Conference is A Balanced Approach: Seeking Evidence-Based Holistic Strategies to Promote Healthy Aging. Breaking down the title, I will start with evidence-based strategies. Evidence-based strategies are programs, practices, or activities that have been evaluated and the findings demonstrate improved outcomes.
Why holistic strategies? The Oxford Dictionary describes holistic as being characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole. In medicine, holistic strategies are characterized by the treatment of the whole person, considering mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of an illness.
What is healthy aging? Healthy aging is very individualistic and is highly influenced by the degree to which basic needs are met. For instance, ensuring proper nutrition and a safe environment in which to live impacts a person’s ability to age healthfully. Similarly, addressing stress levels, depressive symptoms, and social isolation also impacts a person’s health trajectory.
A critique of evidence-based practice is that it does not consider individual needs. This may be addressed by using a holistic approach to provide evidence-based practice. Evaluation, modification, and refinement can only enhance evidenced-based strategies that support healthy aging across the lifespan.
From a researcher's perspective, the theme highlights the development and ongoing study and improvement of interventions that support healthy aging. From a practitioner's perspective, the theme highlights interventions that have evidence of success. From an individual’s perspective, the menu of evidence-based practices is just that, a menu that you can pick and choose from to implement in your own life to foster healthier aging.
We hope this balanced approach to attaining healthy aging practices stimulates SGS attendees to think both broadly - on a professional level - and locally about our own unique aging journeys.
Bert Waters, Ph.D., FSGS
President, SGS (2022-2024)
2024 SGS Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor
The Erickson School of Aging Studies at UMBC
The Erickson School of Aging Studies at UMBC combines a passion for creating leaders and scholars in aging with a genuine connection to real world applications. The unique strength of our community is that it brings together so many exceptionally talented people of different backgrounds, lived experiences, interests, approaches and methodologies. Our goal, since our founding in 2005, is to integrate aging issues, business management and public policy. Our business orientation – applicable to nonprofit, for profit and government sectors encourages leadership and entrepreneurial behavior.
We created and continue to refine a distinctive interdisciplinary and integrated educational approach combining the critical elements of aging studies, management, and public policy. This unique model includes an active learning environment based in practice in addition to theory. Collaborators with The Erickson School of Aging Studies at UMBC have the opportunity to extend their interdisciplinary efforts further through partnerships with other units within UMBC including the Hilltop Institute, School of Public Policy and the PhD in Gerontology. Our curriculum includes all aspects of aging services, with particular emphasis on expanding opportunities for individuals in the longevity economy. Students, both full and part-time, can earn a B.A., M.A. and Accelerated B.A. /M.A. and a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in the Management of Aging Services.
Platinum Sponsor
Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Gerontology
VCU’s Department of Gerontology in the College of Health Professions was founded in 1976 and remains the only MS in Gerontology in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our mission to promote optimal aging for individuals and communities is evident through our innovative graduate and continuing education, scholarship, and university-community partnerships. Our graduates further our person-centered, transdisciplinary mission all over the country and globe. The Department of Gerontology is well-known for the quality and innovation of its programs and for the scholarship and applied expertise of its faculty. The Department of Gerontology offers a variety of degree programs based on an interdisciplinary approach using the bio-psycho-social model. With a mission of promoting optimal aging for individuals and communities, Gerontology graduates further the person-centered mission of the department largely in the areas of administration, education, advocacy, and entrepreneurship. The Gerontology Department envisions continued commitment to service, scholarship, and education, with a focus on the DisruptAgeism and Elderhood Development paradigms.
The VCU Department of Gerontology remains the only NAB accredited program for Assisted Living Administration both in Virginia and nationally! VCU's master's of gerontology program is fully accredited by the Accreditation for Gerontology Education Council (AGEC).
Gold Sponsor
Georgia State University Gerontology Institute
The Gerontology Institute builds on more than 40 years of gerontology education. It is among the oldest and most accomplished gerontology programs in the Southeast. Gerontology students receive individual attention and mentorship, but also have all the benefits of being at a large, urban university. In downtown Atlanta, Georgia State is in proximity to numerous programs, services and organizations that provide students with first-hand experiences in the field of aging.
The Gerontology Institute offers a Master of Arts degree and a certificate in Gerontology for students who wish to prepare for careers in the field of aging. The Gerontology Institute offers several programs at the undergraduate level: Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (B.I.S.), a certificate in gerontology and a dual-degree program – bachelor’s in sociology/master’s in gerontology.
Silver Sponsor
The Martha W. Goodson Center
The Martha W. Goodson Center, part of the Riverside Health System network of care, continues its nonprofit work to fulfill its mission to improve the quality of life for older adults by integrating academic, clinical and health services research with the capabilities of local service providers. This allows us to develop and implement innovative community-based and healthcare system initiatives that can be replicated and sustained by Riverside.
The Martha W. Goodson Center places special focus on clinical services, programs, support and education for persons living with dementia and their family caregivers and care partners. The Center delivers evidence-based and evidence-informed programs and partners with community, state and national organizations to pilot and expand these programs. The Center is currently supporting age-friendly health system efforts and a number of other innovative approaches to how care is provided to older adults.