SGS GRITS Hall of Fame

Janice Wassel

GRITS Hall of Fame Member

2019 Inductee

Dr. Wassel developed the UNCG graduate gerontology program where she served as director/chair. During this time, she created the UNCG ‘Aging is Good Business Summits.’ Dr. Wassel teaching experience is extensive. She has developed approximately three dozen new courses, expanded capstone experiences to include the greater business community, and mentored research and postdoctoral scholars. Dr. Wassel has 30 publications and reports and numerous grants to her credit. She has given over a hundred professional presentations as well as been an “invited” national and international speaker at numerous professional conferences and annual meetings. Dr. Wassel’s research interests include the longevity economy and global opportunities, financial gerontology, business and aging, as well as caregiving and intergenerational relationships.

Janice Wassel

Dr. Wassel is currently the Entrepreneur Scholar in Residence at the Erickson School of Aging Stud-ies at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. In this role she researches and consults on the longevity economy and curriculum. She also serves as the American Institute of Financial Gerontol-ogy’s (AIFG) Academic Dean, an educational program for financial professionals located in the United States, South Korea, and China.