Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!
Words Matter
How to Avoid Ageism in Your Presentations and Publications
Developed by VCU Gerontology, SGS has shared the following guidelines with the presenters at our 2023 Annual Meeting & Conference. SGS is committed to implementing these guidelines in our future publications and events. We would like to share them with you in the hopes that they will help you talk about age with inclusivity and respect.
Get the Guidelines here. (PDF).
SGS Supports Research
SGS is happy to support our members and friends who are conducting human subjects’ research. Would it help you to promote your study and recruit participants via the SGS newsletter, social media outlets, and website? If so, here is your opportunity.
For SGS members, there will not be a fee. Newsletter and website placement fee for not-for-profit organizations that are not SGS members is $50.00; undergraduate and graduate students’ listings are free, but must have faculty advisor that is a SGS member.
Your research description is featured in 2 successive issues of our newsletter, the Southern Gerontologist; researcher should identify length of time to promote the research opportunity; listings/postings are limited to approx. 250 words, excluding title and link(s).
Your research description remains on our website for 6 months; provide IRB approved document/flyer.
SGS can invoice you for the fee. Please contact SGS Executive Director, Amanda James at 866-920-4660 or via email at for instructions on submitting your posting.
Endorsement of studies by the Southern Gerontological Society is neither expressed nor implied.
Survey Results
Executive Summary of SGS Research & Service Priorities
Recommendations from the 2018 inaugural Southern Gerontological Society (SGS) priorities survey report led to substantive outputs including the development of conference tracks, a peer-reviewed publication and subsequent presentations, a webinar series, and two new standing committees (Gerontological Education and Advocacy). The survey subcommittee also recommended that SGS conduct a survey of priorities with respect to aging in the South at least every three years. To honor that recommendation, the second SGS priorities survey (Survey 2.0) was sent to members and stakeholders in April and May of 2021. The SGS Priorities Survey 2.0 Executive Summary explains the methodology and content of the survey, describes respondent demographics, presents the findings, includes a discussion of evolving SGS priorities, and offers recommendations resulting from the project. Additional information can be found in the SGS Priorities Survey 2.0 Full Report.
Join SGS Now
We'd like to offer you the opportunity to become a member of one of the most respected groups of gerontology professionals in the Southern region – The Southern Gerontological Society.
SGS members make a difference by continually providing professionals in the aging network with access to the latest research and a forum for discussing important practical issues relating to older adults in our area.
As part of your membership benefits, you will receive two excellent publications, the Journal of Applied Gerontology, and the Southern Gerontologist.